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One of the best things about being a nature photographer is that I have the opportunity to photograph in so many wonderful National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. In recent years, I’ve been everywhere from Death Valley to Yellowstone, Acadia to the Everglades – with lots of trips to the Smokies along the way. When I start planning a trip – I have to decide – am I going somewhere new? or will I return to a favorite location?

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

New places are always a delight – a chance to see new vistas – and discover new wildflowers to photograph. But when I visit somewhere for the first time, I always have the worry that I’ll miss something important because I don’t know where to go or when to be at just the right spot. With research, and checking with friends and helpful park rangers, I usually have a good idea of the best places to go – and always have a wonderful time.

When I head back to somewhere I’ve photographed before – there’s always a feeling of coming home. I usually have a few favorite spots that I know I’ll return to and have some ideas on new places to explore.

Some of my favorite places to visit in the winter are the wildlife refuges and the seashore on the DelMarVA Peninsula. I usually find some birds to photograph at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Cambridge, Maryland – and there is always the chance of photographing the wild ponies at Assateague and Chincoteague islands in Virginia. The marshes and beaches provide wonderful opportunities for landscape photographs. What’s wonderful about heading to these locations in the winter is more wildlife, shorter days (so sunrise is a little later in the day), fewer people, cooler temperatures and no horseflies or other biting insects!

Assateague National Seashore

Assateague National Seashore

Bill and I will be heading back to Chincoteague, Assateague and Blackwater in December to photograph some favorite locations – and we’ll be leading a workshop there in January 2013. We’d love to have you join us at our Capturing the Beauty of the Landscape: Chincoteague, Assateague and Blackwater on January 18-21, 2013.