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Mexican Hats - prairie coneflower  Ratibida columnifera

Mexican Hats © 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo – Mexican Hats – to my website.

Mexican Hats is the third wildflower photograph from my trip to Texas earlier this year. Also known as Prairie Coneflowers, these bright yellow & red flowers are very common on the Texas Prairie. In large clusters, they create a wave of yellow and red fluttering in the breeze. As I was planning my trip to Texas, I saw photos of the Mexican Hats in my wildflower books – I knew they were going to be one of the flowers that I’d be looking to photograph.

This photograph is available as either a 12 X 15″ or 20 X 26″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order  Mexican Hats  from my website.