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American Dogwood - Cornus Florida

American Dogwood © 2013 Patty Hankins


One of my favorite scenes in the spring is seeing a beautiful white dogwood tree (cornus florida) in full bloom in the woods. There is just something incredible about seeing the crisp white blossoms against the greens and browns of the woods.

I spotted this dogwood tree along the side of the road one morning in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I was on my way up the mountain hoping to catch sunrise from Clingman’s Dome, so I didn’t stop on the way up. Sunrise was a bust that morning – totally overcast at the peak. The only way those of us waiting to photograph sunrise could be sure that the sun was up was by looking at our watches! There was a slight change in the sky color from dark gray to slightly less dark gray – and that was it.

So I headed back down the mountain feeling rather disappointed that I hadn’t managed to photograph sunrise. But then I remembered the dogwood tree I’d spotted on the way up. So I stopped, spent about half an hour photographing the dogwood tree against the woods in the distance. At one point, the sun barely broke through the clouds just brightening up the blossoms – which was when I captured this photo.

It was one of those mornings where I didn’t photograph what I hoped to – but still came away with wonderful memories of a beautiful scene in the Smoky Mountains and this photograph.

American Dogwood is one of the photographs featured in the my 2015 Wildflower Calendar. It is also available as a gallery wrapped canvas and as a matted photograph.