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Bleeding Hearts © 2013 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Hearts are one of the flowers that always make me smile when I see them. Here in the DC area, they bloom in April – adding a wonderful splash of bright splash of color to the local gardens. What I didn’t realize when I started photographing the bleeding hearts was how many people love them as much as I do.

When I’m at shows and people are looking at my photos – they see the bleeding heart photos and start to smile. So often, I hear how their mothers and grandmothers had bleeding hearts in the gardens when they growing up. And what fun it was to see the heart shaped flowers in the early spring.

What’s also wonderful is how many people mention that they have bleeding hearts growing in their garden – because it reminds them of their family connections – and because they want their children to have the same wonderful memories about family flowers and gardens that they have.

I’ve heard stories of my great-grandmother’s and grandmother’s gardens. To this day, when I see irises blooming in the spring – I remember the ones that grew in my mother’s garden. So I understand what kind of memories seeing the bleeding hearts bring back to people – and I love it when people buy my bleeding heart photos to help preserve their childhood memories.

Bleeding Hearts is my February 2013 Photo of the month. Until February 28, SAVE 20% off the regular prices for Bleeding Hearts.